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Monday, January 27, 2020

Water Pollution Effects

Human Health: 
I think all of us are well aware about it. Have you ever had cholera/typhoid or dysentery? Whoa..Whoa,whoa.. don,t take it otherwise, I never want that for you. These diseases come from polluted/contaminated water especially from sewage pollution. Various types of Cancer, Skin & fertility related diseases are the worst health effects. The effluent contains a variety of chemicals, metals, heavy metals, pesticides & other poisonous & harmful substances. These substances have potential for serious health hazard.

The big question is where they come from in drinkable water? The facts are, only from farmers’ fields. Farmers are using different types of pesticides, herbicides & fungicides to control the pest, unwanted herbs and fungus. These pesticide chemicals leach down to aquifer through soil and contaminate the ground water. The surface runs off from agricultural fields is also a cause of surface water contamination by these chemicals.

Types of pesticides & Health Hazard:  

  • Organophosphate:
  • Carbamate
  • Organochlorine
  • Pyrethroid
The most of the pesticide is able to damage our nervous system, digestive system & can cause cancer too, because of organophosphate, carbomate, organochloride & pyrethroid. Chlorides are also in it might cause reproductive & endocrine damage.

Heavy Metals:
Heavy metals have high density or atomic weight, found in the earth's crust, but due to human activities like industrialization activities their geochemical and biological balance has changed and they enter into ground water and other drinking water sources. The major sources of heavy metals in the water are mining, industrial effluents, urban runoff, sewage discharge, insecticides & pesticides.

Harmful Effect on Human Body:
Once any heavy metal enters in the human body, they get deposited inside, it is significant to know that our body can’t release them outside. It doesn’t have any immediate effect if the quantity is small, but after a long it will have a prolonged impact, including brain & nervous system disorder, kidney problems, lung problems and on other organs too. These metals are also known as carcinogens because of their carcinogenic nature. Some heavy metals and their health hazard are assembled below-

One of the most important metals for us, used in various household, scientific & medical equipment’s. The most common instrument is thermometer, barometer & a fluorescent light bulb. Mercury enters in wastewater from various sources like hospital waste, fertilizers, from industrial solid waste, paints etc. The majors are neurological disorder like tremors, insomnia, memory loss, headache and neuromuscular effect.  

The lead acid battery manufacturer, lead smelters & recyclers are major sources of lead pollution. Lead in the environment is distributed mostly by air, but there is some discharge into soil and water. The lead can damage some of the most vital body organs like kidney, reproductive systems, nervous system & to the cardiovascular system. The Lead exposure can also cause High blood pressure and drastic reduction of oxygen carrying capacity of blood. “Lead exposure through water is generally low in comparison to air”

Major sources are mining and smelting & combustion of fossil fuel in industrial process. Arsenic is discharged in water through the refining process of metals like copper, zinc and lead. It also comes from chemical & glass manufacturing industries. Long Exposure of arsenic can cause damage skin/skin cancer. It also has an adverse effect on the eyes and can damage the liver.

It generally comes to water from the mining and plastic industries.  Long Exposure of arsenic can cause cancer, especially lung cancer. It also has an adverse effect on the kidneys.

Water Pollution Effect on aquatic life:
A variety of aquatic flora & fauna are found in river, pond & lakes. All water bodies have their own ecosystem, the biotic and abiotic both components are essential to form an aquatic / terrestrial ecosystem. The flora & fauna are the biotic & light, temperature, Dissolve Oxygen, Carbon dioxide including other gases, dissolve minerals, pH & Turbidity of the water are abiotic components. The biotic components/living organisms are connected with each other’s in a form of produces, consumers & decomposers.  

When effluent gets dissolved in any water body or stream it bothers the biotic components. Organic, inorganic pollutants, toxic metals are the main constituents of effluent, these are found in dissolving, suspension & colloidal form. These pollutants affect the abiotic components like rise in  turbidity, disturbance in pH & temperature etc. We can say this is the primary effect of water pollution, which will have horrible if it continues.

The suspended particles drastically reduce the sunlight penetration into the water body and disturb the photosynthesis which inhibits the plant growth and also dissolve oxygen level. The microbes/aerobic bacteria rapidly consume the dissolve oxygen present in water during the digestion of organic pollutants of effluent. It is also an important factor in the reduction in oxygen level. Organic pollutants and excess nutrients can cause a rise of algae, which is also a big consumer of dissolved oxygen. Depletion in oxygen level disturbs the respiration & metabolism of organism accordingly because nobody can survive without oxygen.  

Finally, I accomplish that the continual addition of untreated effluent in any water body (River, Lake, Pond etc.) will destroy their respective ecosystem.  

The industrial effluent contains toxic substances & heavy metals which gets accumulated in water bodies & then transfer to aquatic flora & fauna and subsequently to humans. The sewage & hospital waste are the house of harmful microbes, it infects the aquatic and terrestrial life.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Characteristics of Effluent

The characteristics of industrial effluent vary according to industries, but domestic effluent is not, it always has the same characteristics so it would be foolish to compare between two.

The pollutants in domestic effluent are always same; it contains human waste, kitchen waste, laundry detergents, etc., so the pollution standards are not too high, but I want to add one thing that definitely the pollution load in terms of pollutants is less, but the pollution hazard is more because of its huge quantity. The below table shows the daily sewage generated in India (Urban Areas). Source website “ENVIS Centre on Hygiene, Sanitation, Sewage Treatment Systems and Technology” Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change.”

Domestic Effluent Characteristics:

Temperature : In practical the temperature of the raw sewage is in between 15 to 350C but it varies as per the weather conditions.

PH: Fresh sewage does have neutral pH (5.5-8.0). It may reduced after a few hours due to the decomposition of organic matter by natural microbes.. If there are fluctuations in pH then it means some industrial effluent is coming in sewage.

Color and Odour: Fresh sewage looks like soapy and cloudy. It becomes gray & black after a few hours of retention. Old sewage has a pungent smell of H2S gas.

Solids: Sewage contains grit, slit, sand and other settable solids. The quantity of biodegradable solids content is less than 0.5 % of the total.

Nitrogen and Phosphorus: The main nitrogen source in sewage are proteins, amines, amino acids, and urea. These compound forms ammoniacal nitrogen after bio-degradation. The nitrogen content in sewage is observed in a range between 20 to 50 mg/L. Phosphorus containing food waste is the source of phosphorus in sewage. The synthetic detergents are also a very good source of phosphorus. The concentration of PO4 in raw sewage may in the range of 5 to 10 mg/L.

Chlorides: The chloride concentration in sewage is always more than the chloride concentration of water used in houses. Chlorides are the most stable compound with water, it generally combines with sodium & potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Organic Material: Sewage mainly contains 99% of water & leftover are organic & inorganic substances which are in suspension, colloidal & in dissolved form. Carbohydrates, lignin, fats, soaps, synthetic detergents, proteins and their decomposition products are the main organic substances present in sewage. We can measure the organic material of sewage by BOD & TOC tests. The pollution strength of sewage is mentioned in the table. The parameters are not exact; it will vary according to cities.

Industrial Effluent Characteristics:  

Industrial effluent characteristics are not same it varies according to industry. It contains organic, inorganic, heavy metals, colour and oil & grease. The organic & inorganic substances found in the suspended & dissolved form.  The pollution strength of few important industries are as in the table: I have tried to give exact data, but the pollution load is not always same, fluctuation is always there:

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Activated Sludge Process

It is the most reliable and commonly used technology. The basic process involves aeration, microbial growth in aeration basin, sludge re-circulation after sedimentation from secondary clarifies and to get desirable quantity of MLSS/microbes. The process was first reported by Arden & Lockett in 1914.
Process Description Activated Sludge Process: 
  • Preliminary Treatment:
  • Primary Treatment:
  • Secondary Treatment (Biological Process)
  • Tertiary Treatment (Filtration &  chemical Treatment)
Preliminary Treatment: 
Generally effluent holds large objects like plastic, paper, wood, metals, sand & grit which may interfere in treatment process by the clogging of pipeline & pumps etc. By removing such objects from effluent we can minimize the problem. Preliminary treatment is designed to remove such impurities/object from effluent wastewater. The stages of preliminary treatment are as under- 
  1. Screening Grit 
  2. Removal Oil & Grease 
  3. Skimming 
The first unit of operation in any Effluent/Sewage Treatment Plant. Screening removes objects like paper, plastic, wood, rags, metals and many other floating materials to prevent the clogging and damage of pipeline & equipment’s. The types of screen depend on the industry & quality of floating materials. There are two types of screens-

Coarse screen:
Coarse screens are used to remove large floating materials like plastic, polyethene rags, wood, metals & debris from influent. Coarse screen have opening in between of 6 mm to 150 mm (0.25 inch to 6 inch).

Fine Screen: are used to remove smaller size objects which may cause problem during operation. The opening sizes ranges in between 1.5mm to 6 mm (0.06 inch to 0.25 inch). These screens are used after coarse screens.

2. Grit Removal:
Industrial / Domestic Effluent contains inorganic solids such as pebbles, cinder, sand & slit that are heavier (higher specific gravity) than the biodegradable solids. Removal of these substances is essential because if they enter in main treatment scheme, they will clog the pipe line and damage the pumps. Reduction of volume of equalization tanks are the common issue because these substance get deposited in the equalization basin. 
Many types of grit removal facilities are available some are-

  • Aerated grit Chamber
  • Vortex type grit removal system
  • Detritus tank
  • Flow grit chambers (Commonly used and reliable) 
3. Oil & Grease removal:
Oil & grease comes from the leakage or spillage during the replacement/filling of oil & grease in the machineries which are used in industries. Some industries like food & beverage and hotel industries have large potential of oil & grease pollution because they use huge quantity of edible and it comes in effluent during washing of manufacturing equipment’s. Oil & grease are hazardous material, if oil and grease mixed into water bodies, it forms oil layer on the surface of water and reduces the light penetration into water and photosynthesis. It further hinders oxygen transfer from atmosphere to water and this leads to decrease the dissolved oxygen level at the bottom of the water and adversely affects survival of aquatic life.  Oil & grease can be removed by the construction of grease trap & also by installing mechanical oil skimmers. Grease traps are a chamber having baffle wall and an inlet & outlet chambers. It provides the retention time by which the floating oil & grease accumulates at the top. There are various technologies are available for O & G skimming, we can select as per our need. Some of the common conventional methods include flotation, gravitational methods, chemical treatment, dissolved air flotation (DAF). Oil Skimmers and use of membranes.

2. Primary Treatment: 
After preliminary treatment the effluent further treated through this system. It includes following stages-
1. Equalization & pH Control
2. Primary Clarification

1.Equalization & pH Control: 
Equalization of effluent is necessary before start the feed for further treatment. For domestic effluent equalization is not needed because there is no variation in pH or having neutral pH. The pH & quality of industrial effluent changes every hour due to the production process. So equalization is highly recommended in industrial effluent plant. 
An equalization tank is a simple rectangular tank having coarse bobble diffuser for mixing of incoming effluent. The capacity of equalization tank is directly proportional to the incoming effluent quality. Generally 4-6 hours of retention time is needed for equalization. The main function of equalization tank are-
  • Act as buffer. 
  • To collect the incoming effluent having fluctuations in COD, BOD & TSS.
  • To provide the retention time & equalize the COD, BOD, TSS & other parameters.
  • During peak hours it helps to maintain the designed/standard feed rate to primary settling   tank.
  • Equalize the effluent to prevent shock load to aeration tank 
  • Neutralization of pH of effluent
Acid & alkali are used to neutralize the pH, if pH is less then alkali is used & acid is used for neutralization of high pH. 

2. Primary Settling Tank or Primary Clarifier: 
The primary clarifier is a physical treatment unit which is responsible for removing solids before biological treatment system/aeration tank. It is widely used, most common & cost effective solution to remove the solids from effluent after equalization. The scum is removed from the surface by skimmers (it is not available in all clarifier/optional) and the settleable solids (sludge) settled down at the bottom by gravity settling and  sludge get accumulated in sludge hopper by the help of scapper. The clarified effluent/ supernatant come out from clarifier through a weir and move towards aeration tank for biological treatment. The primary clarifier can remove 90-95% of settelable solids and 40-60% of suspended solids. Settling of solids directly impact on the BOD load of effluent, means removal of solid reduce the BOD. It can observe that after primary clarified effluent has 25-50% less BOD than inlet to primary clarifier. (The reduction in BOD, TSS & Settelable solids depends on the design of clarifier.)

The sludge can be removed through sludge removal system which includes gate valve, pump with motor and pipeline from hopper to sludge collection tank or at sludge drying beds. 

3.Secondary Treatment/Biological Treatment: This is the heart of the treatment system, It includes aeration tank & secondary clarifier for settling, recirculation of Activated sludge &  drainage of excess sludge to sludge drying beds/sludge holding tank.

Aeration tank: 

An aeration tank is a holding tank having air injection facilities inmixed liquor (Mixed liquor is mixer of effluent & activated sludge). Activated sludge contains colonies of naturally occurring bacteria, protozoans, metazoan & other microorganisms. These microorganisms are responsible for the breakdown & digestion (microbial digestion) of organic pollutants and nutrient present in effluent. Surface aerators & diffused aeration are the most common tecchnologies for injection of air. The diffused aeration is most acceptable technology due to its efficiency & less electric unit consumption.

The aeration tank is always have a settling tank (usually known as "final clarifier" or "secondary settling tank") which helps to settle down the biological floc's (sludge). The design of secondary clerifier is same as primary clarifier, it has only one difference i.e., sludge re-circulation system, which recirculate the sludge from secondary clarifier to aeration tank to maintain the desired level of Mixed Liquor Suspended Solid (MLSS). 

3.Tertiary Treatment :  Tertiary treatment has two stages-


The filters are used for the removal of suspended matter, as well as floating and sinkable particles. Two types of filters are utilized in this process;

Dual Media Filter:  
It is a combination of quartzite (sand) and anthracite stones in a vessel. The  effluent enters through inlet point & passes through the sand & anthracite media. The effluent flows from top to down wards, and during this process the suspended particles get trapped. Backwashing is required  to avoid chocking of media (Sand & anthracite). Backwashing is a process in which  water or water + air feed to filter from bottom to upwards, to remove the trapped substance which may chock the media. 

Activated Carbon:
Activated carbon is used to purify, police & for odour removal of treated effluent. The Granular activated carbon known as a highly adsorbent material used to remove tiny suspended matter along with odour from treated effluent. It is also known a miracle filter media by many researchers because of its unique ability to remove odours, colour, chlorine and volatile organic chemicals, pesticides and trihalomethanes (a group of suspected carcinogens). Activated carbon has a large surface area to absorb the contaminants present in treated effluent.

Disinfection of treated effluent is very essential before the utilization or discharge, because it contains so many harmful microbes and pathogens too. These pathogens may harm human, animals and plants also. We can use chlorine,  hypo & ozone for disinfection of effluent. UV is also a very good measures for disinfection.


Wastewater Treatment

Every industry has different pollution potential, so we can't use the same treatment technology for all. Research and development is always needed to provide a better treatment facility for specific industrial water pollution. 

Type of Effluent Treatment:
  1. Physico Chemical Treatment:
  2. Biological Treatment

  1. Physico Chemical Process: The treatment system involves with chemicals like alum, lime, Poly aluminium chloride, poly electrolyte etc. Physico chemical process consists following steps.
  • Screening
  • Oil & Grease Removal
  • Grit Removal
  • pH Correction/Equalization
  • Chemical Dosing 
  • Setting Tank
  • Filtration.
  • Biological Treatment System: Microbes are responsible for biological treatment, mainly bacteria, protozoan, rotifers etc. The microorganisms break down organic pollutants into simplest form and utilized as food and reproduce themselves in double.
  • Aerobic Process: Air (Oxygen) is required for the digestion of organic pollutants, The aerobic bacteria breakdown the organic substances into monomer units with the help of enzymes and digest it for the survival. 
  • Anaerobic Process: Air (Oxygen) is not limitation for this process, the anaerobic bacteria works without air (oxygen). The digestion of pollutants involves hydrolysis, acitogenesis, acidogenesis and methanogenesis.
  • Attached Growth Process: It is also known as fixed film process. in this system the microbes grow on the a media like stone, wood, ceramic or PVC. Microbes develop their colonies on said media and form a biofilm on it when the wastewater a passes through these media (having microbial colonies) the microbes digest the organic matters and reduce the pollution load. Some examples of attached growth process are-
  1. Tickling Filters
  2. Rotating Biological Contrators
  3. Fluidized Bed Biofilm Reactors
  4. Submerged Aerobic Bio Reactors 
  • Suspended Growth Process: It is the simplest treatment form, the microbes are found in aeration basin as suspension. The wastewater enters in aeration basin and get mixed with the microbes and digestion begins in presence of oxygen. Some examples are-
  1. Extended Aeration System