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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Types of Environment Pollution - Water Pollution

When any organic or inorganic substance get dissolves in water bodies like river, lake, pond or in ground water and deteriorates the quality of water is know as water pollution. 

In other words we can say that "any changes in physico-chemical characteristics of water which is harmful for living organism" is also known as water pollution.

Types of water Pollution:
Natural Process:
Natural process is mainly when decomposed organic waste like biomass or kitchen waste and dead animals added to water. It changes the quality of water and decreases the Dissolve Oxygen level which leads to increase the Chemical Oxygen Demand  & Bio Chemical Oxygen Demand.

Anthropogenic Process: 
The main sources are industrial effluent & domestic sewage. Agricultural run off is also a big source for water pollution.The farmers are using lots of pesticides, herbicides & chemical fertilizer in their agricultural fields.  These chemicals also cause water pollution when they go down and mixed with ground water  or mixed with surface water stream by runoff. 

The substances which are responsible for pollution is known as pollutants. These are found in water in suspended, colloidal and dissolved or in ionic form. The characteristics of pollutants depends on the source of pollution, characteristic varies, every industry has different pollution potential. The pollutants from food or beverage manufacturing industry will always differ in comparison to chemical manufacturing industry. So we cannot use the same wastewater treatment technology for all industries, it will change according to industry and its production process. It is necessary to collect the data related to production process and effluent quality before finalize the treatment scheme. 

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